untitled quest II - Justin Lefty - @JLeftyArt
30x40in domestic/acrylic mix on stretch canvas
untitled quest - Justin Lefty - @JLeftyArt
24x30in domestic/acrylic mix on stretch canvas
Colonel KF Sanders - Justin Lefty - @JLeftyArt
30x40in domestic/acrylic mix on stretch canvas
Make Springfield Great Again - Justin Lefty - @JLeftyArt
24x30in domestic/acrylic mix on stretch canvas
Timmy Burner - Justin Lefty - @JLeftyArt
24x30in domestic/acrylic mix on stretch canvas
Late Nite Fly Thru - Justin Lefty - @JLeftyArt
24x30in domestic/acrylic mix on stretch canvas
i'll be there for you - Justin Lefty - @JLeftyArt
24x30in domestic/acrylic mix on stretch canvas
Search and Destroy - Justin Lefty - @JLeftyArt
24x30in domestic/acrylic mix on stretch canvas
Yabba Bing Yabba Doo - Justin Lefty - @JLeftyArt
30x40in domestic/acrylic mix on stretch canvas
The Panthers Secret - Justin Lefty - @JLeftyArt
24x30in domestic/acrylic mix on stretch canvas
Hypebeast Bart - Justin Lefty - @JLeftyArt
24x30in domestic/acrylic mix on stretch canvas
Mouse Trap - Justin Lefty - @JLeftyArt
24x30in domestic/acrylic mix on stretch canvas
Popeye the Hungry Man - Justin Lefty - @JLeftyArt
24x30in domestic/acrylic mix on stretch canvas
Cereal Trixation - Justin Lefty - @JLeftyArt
24x30in domestic/acrylic mix on stretch canvas
Elmerectile Dysfunction - Justin Lefty - @JLeftyArt
30x40in domestic/acrylic mix on stretch canvas
Notorious M.I.C. - Justin Lefty - @JLeftyArt
30x40in domestic/acrylic mix on stretch canvas