brainwashed - Justin Lefty - @JLeftyArt
16x20in acrylic mix on stretch canvas with epoxy finish
liquidity - Justin Lefty - @JLeftyArt
16x20in domestic/acrylic mix on stretch canvas
comp -ocd - Justin Lefty - @JLeftyArt
30x40in domestic/acrylic mix on stretch canvas
comp -ocd - Justin Lefty - @JLeftyArt
30x40in domestic/acrylic mix on stretch canvas
nineties baby - Justin Lefty - @JLeftyArt
30x40in domestic/acrylic mix on stretch canvas
untitled love - Justin Lefty - @JLeftyArt
30x40in domestic/acrylic mix on stretch canvas
90s vice - Justin Lefty - @JLeftyArt
12x24in acrylic mix on stretch canvas
black dragon, white tiger - Justin Lefty - @JLeftyArt
30x40in domestic mix on stretch canvas
dori - Justin Lefty - @JLeftyArt
16x20in domestic/acrylic mix on stretch canvas
circle of life - Justin Lefty - @JLeftyArt
36in diameter domestic/acrylic mix on wooden panel - finished after with epoxy resin glaze
tricerosphere - Justin Lefty - @JLeftyArt
24x30in domestic/acrylic mix on stretch canvas
outta this world series (wip) - Justin Lefty - @JLeftyArt
a few domestic/acrylic mixes on stretch canvas prior to an epoxy resin finish
candyland lane, untitled a, untitled b (wip) - Justin Lefty - @JLeftyArt
several sizes of works in progress — different kind of domestic/acrylic mix on stretch canvas and wood panels
americana wildfire - Justin Lefty - @JLeftyArt
24x30in domestic/acrylic mix on stretch canvas
black thoughts, black clouds - Justin Lefty - @JLeftyArt
16x20in domestic/acrylic mix on stretch canvas
mardi gras - Justin Lefty - @JLeftyArt
18in diameter domestic/acrylic mix on wood panel finished with epoxy resin layer